
We utilize a Wood-Mizer LT40 super hydraulic band sawmill, powered by a diesel motor. We started milling wood over 20 years ago. While we no longer provide portable milling services, we do still provide custom milling at our shop. We also sell custom lumber. We have equipment to unload your logs or space for self loading log trucks to drop off logs. We are frequently interested in purchasing Douglas Fir and Pine logs. Contact us for details.

With over 20 years of experience and a fast saw mill, we can produce quality lumber accurately and efficiently with little waste.
We will cut your logs to virtually whatever dimension you need. We are able to produce the boards not readily available for sale at local stores. You choose the size of board, post, or beam you want.
Use your lumber for fencing, decking, siding, beams, posts, framing, furniture, or what ever you can think of.
The mill is fast, efficient, and accurate. We can handle logs up to 36” in diameter or 20’ in length.
Our sawmill utilizes narrow band saw kerf technology to provide more usable lumber than traditional circular saws. Our sawmill also produces a board with a smooth finish right off the mill to be used for your building projects.
Our mill is a WoodMizer© Super Hydraulic LT40 with computerized set works and all options. It is powered by a 42 hp Kubota Turbo Diesel.
The production of the mill varies by log diameter and length, lumber size produced, manpower, efficiency of log and lumber handling, and species of wood. Average production is 300-500 board feet per hour.
- Fast & efficient milling of logs to lumber
- Computer controlled accuracy
- Ability to unload trailers
- Space for self -loading log trucks
- Hardwoods and softwoods
- Milling fees by the hour or board foot
- Free Sawdust
- Free wood waste for firewood and bon fires